Insight assessments
We leverage individual insight assessments to help evaluate the drivers and motivators of candidates
What are insight assessments?
Insight assessment reports are designed to increase the understanding of individuals’ and teams’ talents and help reveal the human potential. The reports provide insights into three distinct areas: behaviors, driving forces, and competencies.
Understanding the strengths and weaknesses in each of the three areas will lead to personal and professional development, as well as a higher level of satisfaction.
Behavioral research suggests that the most effective people are those who understand themselves, both their strengths and weaknesses. This enables them to develop strategies to meet the demands of their environments.
This report measures four dimensions of normal behavior:
- How you respond to problems and challenges
- How you influence others to your point of view
- How you respond to the pace of the environment
- How you respond to rules and procedures set by others
The 12 Driving Forces® are established by looking at each motivator on a continuum and describing both ends. All of the twelve descriptors are based on six keywords, one for each continuum. The six keywords are Knowledge, Utility, Surroundings, Others, Power, and Methodologies.
Once you have reviewed this report you will have a better grasp of one of the key areas in the Science of Self™ and will:
- Identify and understand unique Driving Forces
- Understand and appreciate the Driving Forces of others
- Establish methods to recognize and understand how Driving Forces interact with others to improve communication
- Once you know the motivations that drive a person’s actions, you will immediately be able to understand the causes of conflict.
The ultimate power behind increasing job satisfaction and performance comes from the blending of behaviors and driving forces. This section of the report will blend the how and the why of a person’s actions.
Once you can understand how behaviors and driving forces blend together, you will be able to understand how to enhance performance and increase job satisfaction.
In this section you will find:
- Potential Behavioral and Motivational Strengths
- Potential Behavioral and Motivational Conflict
- Ideal Environment
- Keys to Motivating
- Keys to Managing
This section presents 25 key competencies and ranks them from top to bottom, defining the person’s major strengths. The skills at the top highlight well-developed capabilities and reveal where they are naturally most effective in focusing their time.
Based on the responses to the questionnaire, this report indicates the development of 25 personal skills. These 25 personal skills contribute to superior performance in many jobs.
Stress Quotient® analysis is a tool to make your ‘new normal’ a ‘better normal’. By getting an accurate snapshot of an employee or your team’s stress, you can start diagnosing stress and make changes that will begin creating a healthier, more productive workplace which leads to higher performance, fewer missed days, talent retention and, most importantly, reinforces that you truly care for your employees.
We identify the Seven Stress Factors as:
- Demand Stress
- Efforts/Rewards Balance Stress
- Control Stress
- Organizational Change Stress
- Manager/Supervisor Stress
- Social Support Stress
- Job Security
development indicator
Our reports give you details of where an employee has significant stress, which would then give you the ability to work directly with the employee to better understand where and how to reduce the stress areas. These reports not only show overviews of each stress category, but also show elevated areas over the expected/ calculated stress levels. These highlighted sections give you follow-up questions to further understand the stress the employee is experiencing and if this stress is potentially organizational or managerial.
When reviewing your employees evaluations, the results can indicate organizational stress which can have profound effects on productivity and employee engagement.
Identification of stress in the organization is the first step in designing a strategy to address these issues and make the workplace a more engaged and productive environment.
Emotional intelligence
Research shows that successful leaders and superior performers have well-developed emotional intelligence. This makes it possible for them to work well with a wide variety of people and to respond effectively to the rapidly changing conditions in the business world. In fact, a person’s EQ may be a more effective predictor of one’s performance than intelligence (IQ).
The Emotional Quotient™ (EQ) report looks at a person’s emotional intelligence, which is the ability to sense, understand, and effectively apply the power and acumen of emotions to facilitate higher levels of collaboration and productivity. The report was designed to provide insight into two broad areas: Self and Others.
Want to learn more about our insight assessments?
We’d be happy to connect with you to explore how these reports can help your business.